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Magnetoplan Magnetic marker glass board 2000x1000 white Glassboard-White

SKU: 13409000
Technical characteristics Magnetoplan Magnetic marker glass board 2000x1000 white Glassboard-White:
Main features
Full list of features
Type Glass magnetic marker board
Workspace Size 2000 x 1000 mm (Ш x В)
Overall dimensions 2000 x 1000 mm (Ш x В)
Surface color White
Weight 25.57 kg
Type Glass magnetic marker board
Workspace Size 2000 x 1000 mm (Ш x В)
Overall dimensions 2000 x 1000 mm (Ш x В)
Surface color White
Weight 25.57 kg
Package dimensions
Width 1140 mm
Height 90 mm
Length 2140 mm
Weight 40.00 kg
Volume 0.2196 m3
12780 UAH*
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Where to buy: Magnetoplan Magnetic marker glass board 2000x1000 white Glassboard-White:
Дошка магнітно-маркерна 2000x1000 біла Magnetoplan Glassboard-White (13409000)
Скарби (ckapbu.com)
Дошка магнітно-маркерна Magnetoplan 13409000
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